Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ein Archäologie-Blog - Ankum

Unscheinbare Orte mit großer Geschichte. Sobald man im Osnabrücker Land gräbt, zeigt sich, dass hier zu frühen Zeiten mehr stattgefunden hat, als vorher angenommen. Die selbstgewählte Selbstbetitelung als Provinz hat dabei lange zu Fehlinterpretationen der Mittelaltergeschichte unserer Gegend geführt. Zum Beispiel war es früher kaum vorstellbar, dass bereits zu Zeiten Karls des Großen zumindest eine Kirche in Osnabrück aus Stein gebaut wurde.
Nun ist die frühere Kirchenburg Ankum ein Schwerpunkt der Archäologie im Landkreis. Und dazu gibt es sogar einen Blog:
Archäologische Forschung an der Kirchenburg zu Ankum
Und sogar eine Seite auf Facebook.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Lila by Jens-Olaf
Lila, a photo by Jens-Olaf on Flickr.

Nehmen wir mal die positive Seite des VfL- Abstiegs: Die Chance, dass man öfter wieder feiern kann, wird wieder größer sein. Kellerkind in der 2. Liga macht auf Dauer auch keinen Spaß.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Niz aus Tripolis

So könnte man aus Tripolis berichten, aber soweit bekommt man solche Berichte nur von Niz, dessen Text gerade im Radio tribute fm in Bengazhi vorgelesen wurde, Kommentatoren bei Al Jazeera haben das Skript gepostet:
Als Kommentar zum Post: Libya's forgotten frontline

Pie_fr 2 hours ago
**Confirmed updates from our valuable source in Tripoli.**

Reliable reports that Ayshas house and Muatisms house in Tripoli, Al Hani District and Al Dul Street respectively, will be bombed. Loop warnings to military over past 3 days.

Security, usually plentiful at the gates, have now entirely disappeared. Local petrol station has now closed. Neighbours have NOT been officially informed but have been informed via leaks! If indeed the targets are hit, the regime knew about it in advance, and neighbours were not informed, is this a war crime / crime against humanity?

Pie_fr 2 hours ago
**Confirmed updates from our valuable source in Tripoli.**

Have personally spoken to a high ranking military official today who has informed me that 2 nights ago there was a fire fight between security forces within the compound of Bab Alazaziyah. Very similar to a previous incidents some 6 weeks ago or more. Exact response to the clash - immediate instigation of Benghazi rumour on State TV and orders to celebrate. He confirms the shooting did not involve activists but was rather an internal affair!

Spoke to a second military officer this afternoon who came to find me to pass on the info that there is news between his ranks that a plan was being finalised to send troops by sea to Misrata and Benghazi. This was before the hit on the navy facilities. There is suggestion that NATO might have received intelligence and therefore attacked the navy. He confirms that this plan is no longer in operation.

Pie_fr 2 hours ago
**Confirmed updates from our valuable source in Tripoli.**(cont)

Heavy talk on the streets of Tripoli of annoyance that reporters are reporting Tripoli as 'normal'. This in light of very recent reports by SKY and BBC suggesting "Tripoli is normal".
This was discussed at our meeting today and the consensus of our group is:

Reporters can only report what they see. Quite rightly, Tripoli currently does not appear to be a city at war. But suggestion of 'normality' must be qualified. Normality is relative. To know what the norm is for Tripoli you must have a baseline based on a pre-uprising assessment.

Reporters should note that in Tripoli, shops normally close at 2 or 3 am in main shopping districts. Ben Ashour is known at times to 'never sleep'. Now shops close soon after Mughreb prayer.

Reporters should also take note that whilst shops are indeed open, 70% are closed. Of those which are open, some have been harassed to open (our family shop included - story below), some open because it is their only lifeline and can not afford to join the boycott, some are loyalists, some open as an excuse to gather (including key shops where activist meetings take place in key districts).

Reporters should also note that the university (huge) is borderline empty! That schools are borderline empty. It is the middle of term time. My nieces and nephews and young cousins have not gone to school for months. They are not the exception to the rule.

There are checkpoints all over town which intensify in number and in paranoia after dark.
There is gunfire every night without exception.

So whilst the consensus is that reporters are forgiven for reporting normality, to those of us that know 'normal Tripoli', it is far from accurate.

Everyone, however, understands the difficulty and restrictions the media are under.

Pie_fr 2 hours ago
**Confirmed updates from our valuable source in Tripoli.**(cont)
The story of our family shop.

As part of wide spread boycott, our shop decided to close after 17th Feb. We were approached, like many along our row, and asked why we were closed. When we responded that it was fear from the instability we were ordered to open in the next 24 hours. When the security men returned 2 days later they asked why we had still not opened. We replied that there was a staff shortage. They told us, in no uncertain terms, to open even if 'the shop is empty and you sell nothing'. We were told that the shop MUST NOT remain closed under any circumstances. For a while our shop opened. When i realised this i approached the family members who make the decisions and said that it was unacceptable that we open our own shop whilst i go around preaching a city wide boycott. I was told that recently we had been approached by security men and told, 'thank you for opening up and showing your loyalty to your country, of course if you decide to close again we will take the shop and open it for you. Have a good day'. This is not a unique conversation. This will have happened thousands of times over in tripoli.
My reply was that we should continue to give excuses to buy time but ultimately MUST close our shop. If they confiscate our shop then so be it. We are fighting to liberate a nation....with it we will liberate our shop.
Our shop now remains closed.

Many people around Tripoli find themselves in similar dilemmas. Some have not got the conviction to carry through with a boycott. Others cannot financially afford to. Many are overcome by the harassment. And yet still.....the majority of shops in Tripoli are shut!

Fashloum, Ben ashour and Zaweeyat al Dahmani form a kind of shopping triangle district. In these 3 areas 80% of
shops are shut. If anyone wants video evidence i can provide it, along with google map images to show where the streets are.

There continue to be increasing, daily, armed attacks in Tripoli. Armed attacks in the past few days that i can CONFIRM are Soug al Jomaa and Al Hadba.

Special thanks to Niz!

Das Ganze bei Facebook mit Kommentaren:
Libya Youth Moevement

Friday, May 20, 2011


Wer wissen möchte, was sich zur Zeit in der libyschen Hauptstadt Tripolis entwickelt, kann die gängigen Medien vergessen. Eine der wichtigsten Nachrichtenquellen aus dem Zentrum ist Niz, so sein Pseudonym. Seine Berichte, zu hören bei Tribute Fm, oder festgehalten über Twitter, die letzte Zusammenfassung:
1- Clashes between armed anti-regime activists and katiba forces in Shara3 Jamhuriya (Jamhuriya Street)

2- Similar clashes in Gergarish

3- Similar, again, in Mansoora District

4- Man wearing military uniform killed outside the petrol station at Al Hani District. Reportedly killed by security forces. Apparent clash between security.

5- Gun fire was heard all over Tripoli. Some, admittedly, sounded celebratory. Some appeared to be exchanges of fire, with shouting and screaming.

NB: The above are all incidents which were witnessed by our group members. There are countless other reports around Tripoli, but we are unable to verify them, so we will not mention them.

Ibn Omar

from niz on #tripoli #libya: 100% CONFIRMED NEWS FROM TRIPOLI - 19th MAY 2011.

Einiges was er berichtet, ist in Videos auf Youtube und woanders festgehalten. Und anders als die Journalisten im "Gefängnis"-Hotel Rixos, bewegt er sich auf eigene Faust durch die Stadt.

Und das englischsprachige Internet Radio Tribute FM in Benghazi hat im Moment Probleme, über Twitter:
TributeFM Tribute FM
Sorry everyone, Our Server appears to have been attacked by "Some people"

Monday, May 09, 2011

Libyen updated

Update 14. Mai, ein Kommentar von Salwinder bei Al Jazeera Live Blog,
I see in the news this morning NATO are stating that they do not need to hunt down Ghadafi specifically as regime forces are melting away fast. Yet another prediction from Gerhard earlier this week that has come to pass - he suggested that by the weekend the media would begin reporting on the collapse of Ghadafi's troops. He also informed us days ago ahead of time of NATO's renewed focus on Tripoli to target elite brigade equipment and C&C, as well as the final destruction of Ghadafi infrastructure in Brega as evidenced by yesterday's airstrike on the C&C target there.

Gerhard also talked earlier this week about defections of senior commanders to happen by this weekend once their families safety was secured. Hopefully this has been sorted and we hear about these defections shortly.

I think there is no doubt now that we are in the endgame and as far as I can tell Ghadafi no longer functions as a leader anymore - not politically, militarily or economically. So he is redundant now and regime insiders know this. The question is how long this phase lasts.

Ich bleibe dabei, solche Infos hat es so noch nicht bei militärischen Konflikten gegeben, jedenfalls soweit ich weiß. Nicht mal von sogenannten "Embedded Journalists".

Der Krieg in Libyen dauert an, aber die mediale Berichterstattung ist dürftig. Seit Wochen wird deutlich, dass die Journalisten da unten nur ein Teilbild liefern können. Ansonsten ist man vor allem auf die Kommentare und Linkverweise beim Al-Jazeera-Live-Blog angewiesen, um ein aktuelles Bild aus ganz Libyen zu bekommen. Allerdings laufen dort auch tausende Kommentare täglich auf, und man muss sondieren, wer verlässliche Infos weiter gibt.

Der arabische Frühling, leider unter weitesgehendem Ausschluß der Öffentlichkeit, nicht nur in Syrien. Und das liegt auch daran, dass wir bei internationalen und anderen Konflikten zu oft nur uns selber meinen. Unsere Sicht auf die Welt.
Joseon Tongsinsa Festival

Update 10. Mai
Ich bin etwas zurückhaltend mit meiner Meinung, aber dieser Kommentar beim Al Jazeera Live Blog trifft es:

globeline 2 minutes ago
I looked back to the Al jazeera blog feb 17 and i found this:

Richard Pithouse argues in the latest edition of Pambazuka Online, that the revolts in North Africa and the Middle East might be towards advancing democratic values but the struggles do not seek to replicate American or European values. Pithouse argues that considering the relationship the United States and Europe have had with despots in the region, "they have no claim of moral leadership in this world"
We cannot know the trajectories of the uprisings that have swept North Africa and the Middle East. But one thing is for sure. Whatever pompous claims to the contrary come out of Washington and Brussels, these are not revolts for American or European values. On the contrary they are a direct challenge to those values. They are revolts against a global power structure that is formed by an international alliance of elites with one of its key principles being the idea, the racist idea, that Arabs are ‘not yet ready’ for democracy.

#Libya latest map, updated 10-05-2011 @ 11:30am local time:  on Twitpic
und Libyen Youth Movement auf Facebook.
Tribute FM - Radio auf Englisch aus Benghazi
Englisch, eine Sprache, die aus dem öffentlichen Raum in Libyen gebannt worden war.

Update 17. Mai Al Jazeera hat einen neunen Blog aufgemacht, aber die Kommentarfunktion weggelassen. Das führt zu heftigen Protesten. Eine Reaktion, Michael Grant:
Every student in the university and colleges where I work here in France has been told about the Comments section of this blog, which is surely a historic phenomenon in the history of journalism just as the Libyan Revolution is in the history of the struggle for human rights. To get rid of the section now is either a ludicrous mistake on the part of AJE editorial board or it is cowing to some Influential Person. "Comments" might be a mess, it might be massively trolled by daffi agents, FSB or ex-Milosevic yobs but it's got its finger on the pulse like no other news organ so please AlJazeera, keep your reputation and keep the Comments section - your stature can only grow by doing so. Where else can we read postings from insiders and other well-informed people like Gerhard, Colin, Glen, Tara, crazy Moussa K and those brave Libyans?

Monday, May 02, 2011


Schulkind by Jens-Olaf
Schulkind, a photo by Jens-Olaf on Flickr.

Eine weniger bekannte Figur in Stein in Osnabrück. Noch mit Holzschuhen.