Hier der Hintergrund des Onlineportals, die Idee aus der es enstanden ist: "The End of 20th Century Journalism".
Wer einen Eindruck bekommen will, wie Amateurfilme für Ohmynews ausssehen, der kann sich dieses Video zur Fußballbegeisterung in Korea ansehen. Das Spiel Angola- Südkorea,hier.
Leider wurde Eun Taek Hong von Ohmynews nicht richtig wahrgenommen auf dieser Konferenz, aber hier:
“Sometimes there is an innate bias which is inevitable as human beings,” he said. “So isn’t it great for us to be giving back voices to minorities and victims and people who haven’t been covered by the western media very well.”
The OhmyNews website is a huge phenomenon in South Korea, where members of the public are paid small amounts to write reports which are edited by professionals. The site has more than 41,000 citizen correspondents in South Korea, and foreign contributors from 65 countries, and recently received more than $1m (£571,000) in funding to open a Japanese operation.
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