Nebel gehört bei uns zur Landschaft, Besonders in den Niederungen, hier bei Ohrbeck am Hüggel. Aber trotzdem schwierig, die Originalstimmung einzufangen.
Etwas weiter Richtung Osnabrück, nahe der Weststadt am Bahndamm:
Osnabrück und so
While we are at it, we can close Guantanamo and restore habeus corpus because that’s how we lead. The strength of our diplomacy has to be matched by the power of our ideals.
Worst of all, though, was the knowledge that while I was teaching my students about fundamental American constitutional principles -- separation of powers, fair-trial rights, the ban on cruel and unusual punishment -- the Bush Administration was blatantly violating them. I could only sit by and watch in impotent rage as the sinister buffoons running America thoughtlessly desecrated one of the world's great constitutional traditions. I felt humiliated in front of my own students.